What are the benefits of a night cream?

Did you know that it is at night, during our sleep, that our skin reaches its peak of regeneration? This regeneration process echoes our own rhythm as humans: during the day, the skin is in "defence" mode as it is subjected to external aggressions (UV rays, cold, pollution, dust, etc.). It therefore takes advantage of the night to eliminate the toxins accumulated during the day... and to regenerate itself! This is also when the famous night cream (or why not night balm) This is a great asset in your beauty routine as the skin is much more receptive to the active ingredients, especially the anti-ageing ones!

What is the difference between a day cream and a night cream? 

During the night, a whole process of cell renewal takes place: the cells expand to eliminate toxins, the production of collagen and elastin is at its maximum and the tissues reoxygenate. In principle, a cell renewal cycle takes between 2 and 3 months, which is the time needed to observe real changes in the skin with the use of new facials. However, as we age, this regeneration process tends to slow down. This is why a good skin care routine, with a day cream and a night creamThis is why a good skincare routine, including a day cream and a night cream, is essential to keep your skin looking young and healthy for as long as possible.

The use of an effective night cream complements the use of a day cream insofar as the active ingredients and the expected effects of these two types of care are not quite the same. Indeed, the role of a day cream is above all to protect the skin against external aggressions and to maintain hydration in the skin tissues. Its role is therefore more of a shield. Moreover, day creams are often formulated to leave no oily film on the skin and to prepare the skin for make-up. Some of them even contain sun protection.

Conversely, the role of a night cream is to act in depth to encourage skin regeneration at the time when the skin is most receptive to the active ingredients. We therefore expect an effective night cream to be rich in active ingredients (such as retinol, plant stem cells, fruit acids, etc.) and more creamy and comforting textures. Finally, don't hesitate to use a serum in addition to your night cream to boost its effects. 

However, if you're under 25 and not concerned about the signs of ageing - or if you're already using a serum with a high concentration of active ingredients - you can be happy to apply the same moisturiser morning and night. And for that we recommend our Universal Cream Oh My Cream Skincare a good basic to have in your bathroom and perfect for minimalist beauty routines ;-) If needed, you can also make a little "cure" by integrating a vitamin C based serum into your routine for 1 or 2 months for example.

avocado pear antipodes

How to choose the right night cream for your skin? 

The best night cream ? The one that best addresses your beauty concerns (wrinkles, lack of elasticity, dryness, hyperpigmentation spots, loss of firmness, dehydration, etc.) and your skin type!

Here is a small selection of our cult night creams:

  • La regenerating night cream Avocado Pear byAntipodesAntipodes Avocado Pear is a repairing and regenerating night cream formulated with 100% natural avocado oil and the brand's star ingredient, Manuka honey. It is ideal for dry and mature skin.
  • The night balm repairing balm from Ren Clean SkincareEvercalm is a cocooning night balm formulated with plant oils, perfect for soothing sensitive skin and restoring supple, luminous skin in the morning.
  • Anti-Spot Night Cream by Ren Clean Skincareis a treatment designed to correct pigmentation spots and even out the complexion without damaging the skin.
tata harper face cream

What other treatments should be applied in the evening in addition to the night cream? 

An effective evening routine is not just about using a night cream. Indeed, before applying your night care, it is essential to have a perfectly cleansed face. We therefore recommend double cleansingWe recommend double cleansing, which consists of removing your make-up with a cleansing oil and then cleansing your face with a gel or a gentle cleansing milk. In our opinion, cleansing the face is the step that really makes the difference and will boost the effectiveness of your skincare products, which (unsurprisingly) penetrate more easily on completely clean skin.

You can also add an eye contour treatment to your evening routine, which is perfect for this fragile area, which is subject to a lot of stress during the day (we blink an average of 30,000 times a day)... and which marks easily. If you are prone to puffiness, it is better to use very little or only in the morning, contrary to what you might think. Finally, this is also the time to use very nourishing lip balms with fairly oily textures, to be applied in a generous layer. 

So, one of the secrets to beautiful, healthy skin is to choose a beauty routine that suits your needs... while paying special attention to the quality of your sleep :-)If you need more information about choosing a night cream If you need more information on how to choose a night cream that suits you perfectly, you can contact our Beauty Coaches via the chat or by writing to consultations@ohmycream.com.